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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Any Moment

Any Momemt

The road ahead
is so fresh
never know what awaits
at the next bend

keep every option open
allow life to choose
what it thinks is best

a future
which can be predicted
devoid of surprise element
is boring, unattractive
& not worth living 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Within & Without

Within & Without

Enticed with freedom
birds are from another world

& the blue sky
make a lethal combine

coupled with
an ability to soar 
vast open spaces
is a force transforming

live free
look at this world
from a bird's
point of view.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

From Day One

From Day One

It is not so difficult
to find truth after all

wish you would
give this a go

find a mirror
confront yourself
look in the eye

what happened
to the respect
which held us together
from day one.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Messing Serves No Purpose

Messing Served No Purpose

Thank G_d
it is our deeds & not words
that portray our character

a cobbler is a cobbler
a tailor tailor
musician, song-writer
of what we do
& not what we say
we do

we can't act like a villan
& claim to be a hero

messing serves no purpose.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Relax In Bliss

Relax In Bliss

Use the wide-angled
version of vision
to witness
the world around us

avoiding focus
keeps us relaxed
& joyous

we knew this 
so well as a child

how can we
forget it now.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Who Am I

Who Am I

Watching ants
dance in joy

can be revealing

if the ants can

who am i
to deny.

All Pervasive Consciousness

All Pervasive Consciousness

He is always with us
if not like sight
hear him as sound

in the laughter of a child
rustling leaves
or a cuckoo call

swift & absolutely subtle
witness the all pervasive
call & mock us
from all sides

here & there
at the same time.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

True Charity

One True Charity

Surrendering oneself
to destiny
whatsoever life decides
for us

is the only one
true charity,

we never chose
to be here
in the first place

how do we choose
what to have.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

One As We Come (Revisited)

One As We Are

                Love you                  as gentle as
the midnight breeze

absolutely focused
             within you              touch you
where you like

stay bridged as one
in everlasting embrace
exchanging ecstatic caressing

another outburst of joy
one as we come.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Knowing Liberates

Knowing Liberates

give a yard
& we get back a mile

nothing compares
to the generosity
life displays

quite simple though
as good as
learning to walk

innocence is
all that
loving requires.

Fool's Paradise

Fool's Paradise

Whosoever is running
this unending show
it's neither me nor you
that's for sure

the flow has it's own mind
at best
we can be wise enough
to allow & understand 

out of fear, lust
arrogance & malicious intent
i wanna play king
in fool's paradise.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Speak Of Silence

Speak Of Silence

How do we
speak of silence

the most enchanting
potent force
in existence

pity the one
who mistakes
quiet for weakness

silence is 
the ultimate song
beholding a capacity
to transform.

Self Defeating

Self Defeating

Filled with surprises
life wades through
myriad mysterious circumstances

open from all sides
excluding reversal
it is the unpredictability
enhancing charm

there is many a slip
between the cup & the lip

utilize that precious calm
lest desperation would prove
self defeating.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

Visual Artist Frank Bonilla
the devil is sure
to quote the scriptures
to save his skin

evil can only flourish
under the garb of faith

when you have a wolf
in a sheep's clothing
there is no respite
amid chaos

the restless flock is
wise enough 
to see through cover.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Rise From Dead

Rise From Dead

It is the spirit
which enlivens
dead substance

making it worthy
of admiration,

loving adds grace
to an otherwise
bland existence

together we can
make it happen
turn a spark
into volcano.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Past Present & Perfect

Past Present & Perfect

arise from the ashes
like phoenix

past is a grand experience
provided we live now

nothing less 
than the best fulfills

finishing touches
are cause sensitive
& perfection

assessed achievement.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Loving & Living

Loving & Living

loneliness seeks acceptance

but it is love
which unites

without fear
or favor
loving & living
deliver excellent lessons

enabling us realize
our spiritual presence.

Scent Percent II

Scent Percent

Your sensuous
feminine fragrance
is a passive turn-on
which can wake me up
from dead

lingering inside my being
soaking every cell in joy
long after
you have made up your mind

it is always the scent
which finds a nose
& never ever
the other way around.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Absolutely Transparent

Absolutely Transparent
It was all
so gradual
we didn't even realize
we were making

it was the rush
blurring landscape
slowmo could be
so revealing

one with you
i have turned so carefree

from where i am
this world is
absolutely transparent.

Roll On

Roll On

Who am i
to stand & wonder why
which is which
& who is who

how much of me
is truly mine
& why am i complaining
if i'm the master of my own making,

good or bad
right or wrong
' admire the way
dear life
you roll on.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Why Live On Pittance

Why Live On Pittance

Acceptance decimates fear

a grass blade
survives storms
which uproot
many a trees

reluctance diminishes confidence
disheartening & weakening
self esteem,

born in
the image of the lord
why live on pittance.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Including Love

Including Love

All creative arts
including love
bring us to this
thought-less state of being

restless as we are

no wonder
these no-mind experiences
are extremely charming
& addictive

all creative arts
including love.